Mozzarella cheese is one of the most popular dairy ingredients in the Italian diet because of its delicious taste, texture, and versatile uses. But, just how good is it for your health? 

Despite many of the misconceptions that mozzarella is a “bad” food for the human body, the Italian cheese actually offers a range of important health advantages that are worth taking into consideration. 

With this in mind, our guide will take a look at nine of the most impressive and surprising health benefits of mozzarella cheese. What’s more, we’ll also look to answer a few of the frequently asked questions related to the popular dairy product.

Good Source Of Riboflavin

The first of the health benefits of mozzarella we’ll take a closer look at is the amount of riboflavin that’s packed into mozzarella cheese. This is also known as vitamin B2, and is part of the vitamin B complex family. 

Riboflavin is an important vitamin to consume on a daily basis due to the fact that it helps the body fight against different illnesses and conditions such as iron deficiency and migraines. Furthermore, riboflavin has proven antioxidant properties.

Rich In Biotin

Fresh mozzarella cheese is an excellent source of biotin, which is also known as vitamin B7. This important nutrient is water soluble, meaning the body doesn’t readily store it. Therefore, consuming mozzarella can fulfill your immediate health needs.

For pregnant women, eating mozzarella can help to deal with biotin deficiency. The nutrient can also keep your nails strong an

Supports Stronger Bones

Mozzarella cheese contains a considerable amount of Calcium which is an essential mineral for optimum bone and teeth health. For example, one ounce of mozzarella provides as many as 183 milligrams of calcium to maintain a strong bone structure and protect tooth enamel.

What’s more, mozzarella is also extremely effective at safeguarding heart muscles and reducing the danger of colon cancer.

mozzarella is healthy

Loaded With Fat-Soluble Vitamins

The next health benefit of mozzarella cheese to consider is the fat-soluble vitamins provided by the popular cheese – mainly essential vitamins such as D, E, and A. These nutrients play an important role in a number of health processes such as bone wellbeing, calcium absorption, and cell membrane protection.

Excellent Source Of Niacin

As is the case with riboflavin and biotin, another of the health benefits of mozzarella cheese is that it’s also an excellent source of niacin (vitamin B3). The nutrient plays a vital role in making sure that fat is turned into suitable energy in the body. In addition, niacin also helps to control cholesterol and prevent the occurrence of health issues such as diabetes and arthritis.

Rich In Protein

Mozzarella cheese is packed full of protein, so if you’re looking for a good source of protein to add to your diet that isn’t meat-based, there are few options better than the popular dairy item. Not only will it boost your muscle strength, it’ll also give you plenty of energy.

strong body from mozzarella

Good Source Of Zinc

Zinc is a hugely important mineral present in mozzarella cheese that’ll help you increase your white blood cell count and fight against a number of skin problems. Furthermore, a good intake of zinc can help the prostate organ to function effectively, as well as making it easier to shed excess weight.

Packed With Potassium

Mozzarella is loaded with potassium which is beneficial for fighting against many of the negative effects caused by sodium consumption such as high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. The useful mineral is also great when it comes to rectifying irregular heart rhythms.

High Levels Of Phosphorus

The final health benefit on our list, and by certainly no means the least, is the amount of phosphorus that’s present in mozzarella cheese. This assists the human body in absorbing calcium from lots of different foods. Phosphorus is equally important for the effective functioning of the kidneys, as well as battling muscle fatigue.

The Other Side Of The Coin

While the nine health benefits listed above are fantastic and demonstrate the value of mozzarella cheese to a person’s diet, it’s important to also consider the disadvantages of the popular dairy product.

The biggest drawback of mozzarella cheese is the fact that it contains a large amount of saturated fat which is a big concern for cardiovascular health and weight issues according to the American Heart Association.

Therefore, while the benefits associated with the cheese might be impressive and highly-sought after by a number of people, it’s a good idea to opt for the low-fat variants and only consume mozzarella in moderation.

Health Benefits of Mozzarella FAQs

Is Mozzarella good for you?

The short answer is “Yes.” Fresh mozzarella cheese is an excellent source of protein and is packed with a great variety of nutrients such as riboflavin, niacin, biotin, and zinc.

Furthermore, it’s high calcium content supports stronger bones, which is beneficial for those susceptible to osteoporosis.

Does Mozzarella Go Bad?

With most mozzarella, it can last for somewhere between four and six weeks if it’s fresh, unopened, and refrigerated. Once you’ve opened a packet of mozzarella, it needs to be refrigerated and can last for around a week, maximum. It shouldn’t go “bad” within this time, however it’s a “fresh cheese” (as opposed to aged cheeses) and it taste best when consumed within 2-3 days.

Which Is Healthier, Cheddar Or Mozzarella?

When comparing the two popular cheese varieties, cheddar contains 27% more calories than mozzarella. Furthermore cheddar cheese has 403 calories per 100 grams, while mozzarella has much less at 318.

In terms of macronutrient ratios, cheddar is considerably heavier in fat, lighter in protein, and then roughly the same as mozzarella when it comes to carbs.

Does Mozzarella Make You Gain Weight?

Most types of mozzarella cheese are high in fat, so therefore you should only consume them in moderation. If you over-indulge in mozzarella, there’s every chance that you’ll quickly put weight on. This is why it’s a good idea to pair mozzarella with some fruit for a healthy snack that’ll keep you full for an extended period of time.

Why Is Riboflavin Important?

Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is an important nutrient for the human body because it helps the development, growth, and functioning of the cells. What’s more, riboflavin also plays a significant role in helping to turn the food you eat into the energy you need for each day.

Why Is Biotin Good For You?

Biotin or vitamin B7 is essential for keeping a close control of many of the body’s major systems. As is the case with all B vitamins, biotin assists your body as it transports nutrients. It’s also great for managing the symptoms of diabetes since it helps to regulate blood sugar levels in some individuals.

Can Mozzarella Be Eaten Raw?

Yes, mozzarella can be consumed raw, so long as it’s cold, fresh, and straight out of the packet. It also needs to be made from pasteurized milk.

What Cheese Can Be Used To Replace Mozzarella?

This all depends on your personal preference and the specific dish that you’re trying to make. However, in general, the best substitutes for mozzarella cheese include provolone, white cheddar, ricotta, Mexican cheese, and feta.

Rick Zullo

Former doctor, current science teacher, and life-long food lover, Rick's passion for Mediterranean cuisine was ignited while living as an expat in Rome, Italy. 


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