Are you planning on trying out the Mediterranean diet? If you’ve heard about the health benefits of switching out your current diet for the coveted Mediterranean lifestyle – then you might be asking yourself whether or not it’s a good idea to switch it if you happen to have high blood pressure.

If you’re not overly aware of what the Mediterranean diet is, it’s essentially a lifestyle-based diet that is packed full of whole grains, yummy, healthy fats, colorful vegetables, fruits, as well as nuts. Thanks to this, it means that the Mediterranean diet is a diet that is both healthy and delicious – but is it the right option for you?

If you’re currently on the fence about whether or not to try out the Mediterranean diet, then this is where we come in to lend you a helping hand.

Below, we’re going to be talking you through everything you need to know regarding the Mediterranean diet so that you can decide whether or not it’s a good choice for those that suffer from high blood pressure. Read on!

What Is The Mediterranean Diet?

Before we get any further, we first think that it would be a great idea to talk you through what the Mediterranean diet actually is, as this will help you to understand whether or not it’s a good option for those who have high blood pressure.

In a nutshell, the Mediterranean diet is a diet that is based upon all of the traditional foods and dishes that are most commonly eaten in countries that are situated upon the Mediterranean sea – including Greece, Italy, Spain, and France.

The main reason for this comes down to the fact that much research has been taken to suggest that people who live in these countries have very good health, with a very low chance of developing a variety of illnesses and conditions.

In addition to this, it was also found (in many studies) that those native to the countries situated upon the Mediterranean sea were also seen to have very strong cardiovascular health.

Due to all of this, it led to many citing the “Mediterranean diet” as the secret to good health. But, what does it consist of, exactly?

Just like we’ve already touched upon above, the Mediterranean diet typically consists of a diet that consists of legumes, nuts, seeds, healthy fats, vegetables, fruits, and other types of organic, “heart-healthy” foods.

While there aren’t any strict rules or guidelines to follow when following this diet, it is worth noting that the Mediterranean diet does not encourage any kind of processed food, foods that contain preservatives, refined grains, or added sugars.

The Mediterranean diet also doesn’t encourage eating fast food, however, some people who follow this diet do choose to treat themselves every once in a while – moderation is key!

When consistently followed, the Mediterranean diet has been proven to help encourage weight loss, prevent the chance of one experiencing a heart attack, protect from chronic disease, as well as even reduce blood pressure.

What Are The Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet?

With all that being said, it should come as no surprise to hear that the Mediterranean diet comes with a variety of different health benefits – including having the ability to lower high blood pressure.

Nevertheless, to help you gain a better understanding of the overall benefits of switching to the Mediterranean diet, we’re going to be breaking them down for you below:

Encourages A Healthy Heart

First things first, one of the largest benefits of opting for the Mediterranean diet is its ability to help increase your overall heart health.

As it is a diet that focuses on healthy fats, unprocessed foods, and plenty of yummy vegetables and fruits, the Mediterranean diet has the ability to prevent arteries from becoming clogged, while also helping to gradually reduce levels of high blood pressure.

So, in other words, the Mediterranean diet is without a doubt suitable for those who suffer from this condition, and can even help to improve it by lowering it – both systolic and diastolic.

Alongside the above, it is also worth mentioning that the Mediterranean diet also has the ability to reduce the chances of you experiencing heart disease as well as heart attacks, as it does not incorporate foods that are high in sugars, refined grains, and unhealthy fats.

Supports Healthy Brain Function

In addition to being able to encourage a healthy heart and reduce levels of high blood pressure, the Mediterranean diet has also been proven to help support your brain to keep it functioning optimally.

So much so, that alongside studies into heart health, many researchers have also undertaken research to show that the Mediterranean diet also has the ability to increase your cognitive performance, while also helping to prevent the onset of deterioration that comes along with the natural aging process.

To give you a better understanding of how the Mediterranean diet has the ability to boost your brainpower, one study that was undertaken found that those who followed a Mediterranean diet had a better overall memory, as well as a reduced chance of developing a variety of illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Keeps Blood Sugar Levels Stable

Last but certainly not least, another main benefit of the Mediterranean diet is its ability to help keep blood sugar levels at a healthy level – and this is mainly down to the fact that it is a diet that encourages a variety of healthy foods, including nuts, vegetables, fruits and more.

Thanks to this, if you were to follow the Mediterranean diet, it means that besides ensuring that your body has all of the nutrients it needs to remain fortified and healthy, the lack of unhealthy fats, refined grains, and high levels of sugar will help to ensure that your blood sugar levels stay in the healthy range.

This also means that the Mediterranean diet is able to lower the chances of developing type 2 diabetes, while also increasing levels of hemoglobin A1C in the blood, which is a component known for being able to regulate blood sugar levels.

Is The Mediterranean Diet Good For High Blood Pressure?

All in all, the Mediterranean diet is a great option for those who suffer from high blood pressure or are prone to it. Just like we have mentioned above, the Mediterranean diet is a diet that consists of heart-healthy fats, unprocessed foods, and plenty of yummy fruits, seeds, nuts, and vegetables.

Alongside that, it’s also a diet that steers away from foods that can increase blood pressure, including saturated fats, unrefined grains, and added sugar.

Due to this, it means that it is associated with a variety of incredible health benefits, including the support of healthy brain functioning, the ability to encourage a healthy heart, while also reducing levels of high blood sugar and high blood pressure.

What’s more, unlike other types of lifestyle diets, the Mediterranean diet is one that comes with plenty of flexibility, so you will be free to follow it as you see fit. That will taste delicious and satisfying while helping to encourage healthy heart health and the lowering of high blood pressure levels.

Rick Zullo

Former doctor, current science teacher, and life-long food lover, Rick's passion for Mediterranean cuisine was ignited while living as an expat in Rome, Italy. 


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